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Sync data from a remote website

The sync command downloads a database dump and/or uploads from an existing website and overwrites your local copy as a convenient means of updating it. This is one-way sync so there's no risk of altering the remote website.

The command requires an SSH connection to the remote website.


The plain command only applies plugin overrides.

wp eighteen73 sync

Database mode downloads a fresh copy of the remote database and applies plugin overrides.

wp eighteen73 sync --database

Downloads a fresh copy of uploads directory and applies plugin overrides.

wp eighteen73 sync --uploads

All of the above.

wp eighteen73 sync --database --uploads

The --uploads option is not necessary if you are using our Satellite plugin and it's remote files feature is enabled. In that case your local website automatically requests remote images as needed.


Nebula/Bedrock websites


This same configuration is shared by the first-sync and sync so adding it once covers both commands.

via development.php

Because this doesn't store any sensitive login credentials it may be beneficial to add sync configuration to the environment config and commit to your repo for the benefit of other developers working on the project.

// Required
Config::define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SSH_HOST', '' );
Config::define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SSH_USER', 'username' );
Config::define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SSH_PATH', '/path/to/remote/website' );

// Optional, if the SSH port is not 22
Config::define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SSH_PORT', 123 );

// Optional, to automatically activate/deactivate plugins on sync
Config::define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SYNC_ACTIVATE_PLUGINS', 'plugin1,plugin2' );
Config::define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SYNC_DEACTIVATE_PLUGINS', 'plugin3' );

via .env

If you would rather not share your config, or you need to override the shared configuration added above, you can add this to you personal .env file.


# Optional, if the SSH port is not 22

# Optional, to automatically activate/deactivate plugins on sync

Older/basic WordPress

On websites without the above files you will need to add config to the website's wp-config.php file. This is only for use on non-Nebula/Bedrock websites.

define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SSH_HOST', '' );
define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SSH_USER', 'username' );
define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SSH_PATH', '/path/to/remote/website' );

// Optional, if the SSH port is not 22
define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SSH_PORT', '123' );

// Optional, to automatically activate/deactivate plugins on sync
define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SYNC_ACTIVATE_PLUGINS', 'plugin1,plugin2' );
define( 'EIGHTEEN73_SYNC_DEACTIVATE_PLUGINS', 'plugin3' );